Abandoned Deep South Home Untouched For 40 Years

Imagine this: there’s this big, old house down in the Deep South of America. It’s been empty for like 40 years! Can you believe it? Nobody’s touched it all this time. But guess what? A photographer named Leland Kent from Abandoned Southeast went in and took some pictures. So, let’s take a peek inside together and see what stories this mysterious old house has to tell from back in the 80s.

Surrounded by a tangled garden, a name linked to this property was found in the nearby graveyard, dated to the early 1980s. Left neglected without anyone to care for it, the house has fallen into disrepair. Yet, even in its current state, there’s something captivating about its worn-out charm – from the charming shuttered windows to the intricate molding adorning the roof.

Despite its faded glory, stepping inside reveals a scene frozen in time. The walls are adorned with floral wallpaper, a grand chandelier hangs from above, and dusty Persian rugs cover the floor. In its prime, this space would have exuded regal hospitality, but now it stands as a melancholic reminder of its former splendor.

Remarkably, many original features still remain intact after more than forty years of abandonment. Ornate metal screens divide the foyer, while delicate glass light fixtures hint at its glamorous past. Local lore suggests it might have once served as a boarding school, though any evidence of its previous life has long vanished.

Moving into the formal sitting room, one can almost envision the lively gatherings and elegant soirées that once took place here. Adorned with decorative wallpaper and opulent furnishings, it was undoubtedly a sight to behold. Now, debris litters the floor and the wallpaper peels away, leaving us to ponder why this southern beauty was left to languish.

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The fireplace and antique piano in this room offer glimpses into the past, while the room’s gold-swathed drapes scream 70s style. These flashy window decorations were the epitome of chic back then. Even though it’s a bit worn now, this old-fashioned living room would be a vintage enthusiast’s dream.

Looking at the internal windows, it seems this living area might have been added on later, possibly in the 60s or 70s. The white vaulted ceiling and wood-paneled walls give off a mid-century vibe, and that dark brown color scheme was all the rage in the 70s.

While some parts of the house are holding up okay, others need serious attention. In this reception area, the wooden ceiling is sagging, and the plaster has peeled off the walls, revealing the bare bones underneath. This historic home isn’t just in need of a quick fix—it needs some serious TLC.

On a brighter note, this cozy room is in much better shape. It would’ve been a perfect spot to curl up with a book. The curved bookshelf and modular blue sofa are classic 80s designs, but judging by the dusty floors and faded furniture, it’s been a while since anyone lounged here with a good read.

One of the most poignant aspects of this abandoned building is the presence of personal belongings still scattered across its surfaces and shelves. Family photos coated in dust, alongside quirky antique trinkets once cherished, remain untouched, frozen in time for over four decades.

In a spacious bedroom, an old suitcase lies discarded on the floor, hinting at a hasty departure. A throw drapes over the bed with its ornate rattan headboard, while curtains are neatly tied back. Yet, dampness and decay have left their mark, compromising the room’s integrity.

As we explore further, the toll of abandonment becomes even more apparent. The home’s wooden frame is exposed, and the ceiling shows signs of sagging, while cracks mar the plaster. However, amidst the decay, treasures still emerge – from a vintage telephone bench by the window to an antique clock on the mantelpiece.

Festive decorations, frozen in time, add to the eerie atmosphere. A small artificial tree remains adorned with glittering baubles and plastic beads, a testament to the care taken by its previous owner, untouched for four decades.

Throughout the house, cherished family portraits and black-and-white photographs are scattered across shelves and tables, offering glimpses into the lives of what seems to have been a close-knit family. The faded faces leave us wondering about their stories and where life took them.

One of the most intriguing spaces in the house is the vintage bathroom, bursting with character. From its bold patterned wallpaper to the vibrant red carpet, it’s anything but subtle. Complete with elaborate light fixtures and sconces, it seems to have served as both a bathroom and a dressing room, judging by the presence of a clothes rail.

Looking at the exterior, it’s evident that parts of the roof are sagging, and broken windows expose the interior to the elements. One can only imagine the once-pristine garden, with its meticulously manicured lawn and chairs arranged on the flagstone terrace.

Towards the back of the garden stands an old outbuilding, clad in the same charming blue siding as the main house. Perhaps it was once a workshop or storage area. Sadly, time has taken its toll here too, with overgrown vegetation reclaiming any semblance of a pathway across the lawn.

Despite its ongoing battle with nature, this captivating abandoned house still holds great potential. With some care and a thoughtful renovation, it could be transformed into a stunning family home once again. Let’s remain optimistic that this mysterious property won’t continue to be neglected for much longer.

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