WWII Madness of Million Dollar Point: The USA Dumped 1000’s Of Tons Of Vehicles Into The Pacific

According to some historians, practically all of the participants had no idea when the Second World War would conclude, especially as more and more parties joined the fray.

As one of the most significant contributors to the Second World War, and having to fight in two theaters against equally ferocious opponents, the United States needed to spread its wings to far-flung battlefields toorder to maintain a firm grasp on the situation. Remember that the US established severalnumber of bases throughout the Pacific to assist the military in their war against the rebellious and aggressive Japan.

The Pacific’s bed is littered with tons of Second World War antiques placed there by the US Military not far from Espirito Santo’s shore, a small island in the Vanuatu Archipelago in the South-Western Pacific.

The site has now become a famous diving destination for aficionados, and it has been fittingly called the Million Dollar Point, according to the estimated worth of the equipment dropped. The divers saw enormous jeeps, six-wheeler vehicles, massive bulldozers, forklifts, semi-trailers, tractors, large bound sheets of corrugated iron, sealed boxes of apparel, and, of course, Coca-Cola containers.

During their time on Espiritu Santo the Americans accumulated quite a mass of
earth moving equipment, trucks, cranes, forklifts and all manner of machinery Photo Credit

Because the British and French governments refused to pay for the items, the US decided to dump them rather than leave them on its greatest military post, located west of Pearl Harbour. The base was once a thriving mini-United States on the island, complete with 30 fully operational theaters.

They also built multiple hospitals on the island, all of which were later pulled down Photo Credit
During the time of the American base on Espiritu Santo there was a need for good quality roads as well as several runways and airports Photo Credit

Thousands of tons of military equipment discovered rusting on the bed were not abandoned there by the Vanuatu people or the Franco-British Condominium, who controlled the island from 1906 to 1980; all of material was purposely dumped in the waves by employees of the US military post erected during WWII.

When American personnel were ordered to leave the island after the post was closed, there was not enough capacity on the ships to transport all of the base’s equipment. The US military opted to give the excess to the local Franco-British administration at a very affordable price, which they declined.

The local administration saw the quantity of equipment that the US Army was unable to bring back and privately hoped that the US Army would leave the equipment on the island so that they could have it for free; however, the US military had other intentions.

The way that they were produced at a minimal cost was to use the dead coral that washed up on the beaches of the island. Photo Credit

Thurston Clarke, a travel writer, wrote extensively about the incident, claiming that the ‘Seabees’ created a big ramp that went into the sea, which was subsequently used virtually every day by Americans to drive vehicles, jeeps, bulldozers, ambulances, and tractors into the channel, never to be seen again. He stated that watching these technical wonders being pushed into the waves moved several Seabees to tears.

The villagers saw the odd deed by US military troops of destroying wealth they would never see again as insane.

This was then crushed to the appropriate size and mixed with water and a hardening agent, it was then graded and rolled to make very hard surfaces Photo Credit
As the war in the pacific was coming to a close and all of the troops were being transported home to the US there was this whole township that the Americans had built and all of the machinery that they had used to build it Photo Credit
Million Dollar Point where many millions of dollars, worth of equipment and war machinery was dumped at the end of the second World War. Photo Credit
The island of Espiritu Santo is littered with WWII relics. Photo Credit
Massive amounts of heavy equipment were bulldozed into the sea by the departing Americans Photo Credit
SS President Coolidge, a luxury liner turned troop carrier, sunk meters from shore. Exploring the jungle-like interior and wreck-strewn waters. Photo Credit
The loss of critical equipment being carried in Coolidge, forcing redistribution of scarce local stores, combined with the loss of the ship when shipping was critically short, delaying deployment of the 25th Division from Hawaii to the theater, complicated logistics during the crisis at Guadalcanal. Photo Credit

Buttons was one of two US military stations erected on the archipelago in the aftermath of the Japanese rise after Pearl Harbour; the other facility was Roses, which was built on another nearby island called Efate.

The facilities were built very quickly, with structures completed and troops moving in within weeks, and within days, numerous islands became bustling American centers, much to the amazement of residents who had never seen such amount of activity on their islands.

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