King’s Farm in Faroe Island Is The Oldest Still Inhabited Wooden House Of The World

Kirkjubargarur, commonly known as King’s Farm, is one of the world’s oldest continually inhabited wooden buildings and the Faroe Islands’ biggest farm.

Kirkjubur is a rural homestead, dating from the 11th century. From around 1100, it served as the episcopal seat and seminary for the Diocese of the Faroe Islands. According to folklore, the wood for the block buildings came from Norway as driftwood and was meticulously wrapped and numbered before being assembled. It should be noted that the Faroes have no forest, and wood is a very precious item. Many of these wood stories may thus be found in Faroese history.

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Kirkjubur is the southernmost settlement on Streymoy, Faroe Islands, and the country’s most important historical monument. In addition to the King’s farm, the village has the remains of the Magnus Cathedral, which dates from approximately 1300, and the Saint Olav’s Church, which is from the 12th century. The settlement was significant throughout the Middle Ages. It was the episcopal seat for the Diocese of the Faroe Islands at the time, and hence the community’s spiritual centercenter of the community. The community was estimated to have had roughly 50 dwellings back then. The bulk of these dwellings was washed away by a violent storm in the 16th century, resulting in the formation of the islet Kirkjubhólmurin, which now retains remnants from that period.

The oldest section is known as roykstova (reek parlour, or smoke room). Perhaps it was moved one day because it no longer matched the foundation. The loftstovan is another old chamber (loft room). Bishop Erlendur is said to have written the “Sheep Letter” here in 1298. This is the first written record of the Faroes. It is the Faroese law governing sheep breeding. The room is now the farm’s library. The stórastovan (large room) is much later, dating from 1772.

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Even thoughthe fact that the farmhouse is a museum, the 17th generation of the Patursson Family, who have lived there since 1550, continues to live there. The King of Denmark took all of the Catholic Church’s real properties in the Faroe Islands shortly after the Reformation in 1538. This was around half of the Faroese territory, and it has since been known as King’s Land (kong jr).

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In 1833, the Roykstovan entrance was demolished. Jóannes Patursson, the King’s Farmer, timbered and carved this exact replica in 1907. The Norwegian Lion on top represents the Faroes as a Norwegian colony following the Viking era.

Because of the aforementioned Episcopal dwelling, the farm at Kirkjubur was the largest portion of King’s Land. The Faroese government now owns this property, and the Paturssons have been tenants for generations. The oldest son is always appointed as King’s Farmer, and unlike privately held property, the King’s Land is never split among the sons.

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The farm is home to sheep, cattle, and a few horses. You may enjoy a cup of coffee here and buy fresh mutton and beef directly from the farmer. Locals can also go hare hunting during the winter season. Groups can hire the roykstovan for celebrations and be fed authentic Faroese food.

Other notable buildings nearby include the Magnus Cathedral and Saint Olav’s Church, both of which date from the medieval period. All three are the most interesting historical sites on the Faroe Islands.

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