In the heart of Harrodsburg, Kentucky, an abandoned castle captured the imaginations of many, its history a blend of grandeur and neglect. On May 22, 2020, this unique property, which had endured years of uncertainty and even faced foreclosure, finally found a new owner. The sale, as reported by, closed at $78,101, marking the end of a journey that had begun years before.
Back in April, the castle, located at 712 W. LEXINGTON ROAD, Harrodsburg, Kentucky, made its debut on the market with an initial listing price of $49,500. This modest price tag caught the attention of potential buyers, and within just a week, the property was already marked as “pending,” showing its immense appeal.
The history of the castle traces back to its construction in 1890. Commissioned by Colonel Daniel Lawson Moore, this Romanesque Revival masterpiece known as Mooreland was meant to be a grand home for the Colonel’s second wife, Miss Minnie Ball of Woodford County, whom he married in 1891. The residence was a true testament to architectural excellence, bearing similarities to the renowned Theophilus Conrad house in Louisville, designed by architects C.J. Clark and Arthur Loomis.
The mansion, an exquisite blend of limestone and brick, stands as a symbol of opulence and sophistication. The meticulous detailing of every stone block, the imposing arches of the veranda, and the octagon-shaped ends crowned with towering features speak to the grandeur of the era’s architectural style.
Over the years, the castle witnessed the passage of time, with its splendor fading as it faced neglect and abandonment. However, the castle’s fate took a turn when the property was divided into two separate lots of 2.96 acres each, both accompanied by the main house. This marked a transformation from the property’s earlier days, when it spanned over forty acres and had been listed for a price well above a million dollars.
The journey of this castle continues to inspire, reminding us that even structures with storied pasts can find new life. With a fresh start on the horizon, the castle’s new owner aims to restore its former glory, breathing new life into this aged fortress. As we reflect on the tale of this captivating property, we’re reminded that history and potential often converge in the most unexpected of ways.
The state of it now:
The House’s Condition in 2010: