Abandoned Hotel Overlooking Estuary To Be Knocked Down And Houses Built In Its Place

The green light has been given to proceed with the demolition of an old estate house that had later transformed into a hotel, only to be destroyed by fire. The historic Goodig House, which had been expanded and improved in 1701, stands overlooking Burry Port and the Loughor Estuary.

The Camarthenshire Council has granted permission for the remains of the building to be torn down, making way for the construction of four new homes. For more news about Camarthenshire and other stories, you can stay updated by subscribing to our newsletters.

Throughout its existence, Goodig House changed hands numerous times. At one point, it sat vacant before being converted into a 17-room hotel during the 1960s. This hotel boasted a large ballroom and a restaurant, becoming a lively hub for the Burry Port community. People fondly remember it as a popular gathering spot where many even met their future partners, according to the Pembrey and Burry Port Heritage Group. However, its fate took a turn in 1983 when a devastating fire engulfed the hotel.

Initially, a proposal was submitted to replace the building with a single house, but this was withdrawn in 2019 due to concerns about its impact on bats.

The latest plan for demolition and the construction of four new homes follows discussions between the applicant and the planning officers of Carmarthenshire Council. The proposal also includes measures to mitigate any impact on bats. The planning consent is subject to 17 conditions, covering aspects like access and lighting.

Local Burry Port councillors, John James and Shelly Godfrey-Coles, are pleased with the approval for the plan. Councillor James reminisces about the hotel’s vibrant past, mentioning its entertainment, cabaret, and restaurant that were well-loved by the community. Unfortunately, the hotel didn’t achieve the success it had hoped for. Tragically, the hotel’s operations came to an end due to the fire.

To the south of the former hotel, an area off Pwll Road is undergoing separate development, led by housing provider Pobl Group, with plans to create an estate featuring up to 103 homes.

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